Professional Development

American Institute of Certified Planners AICP
The American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP) is the American Planning Association's professional institute, providing recognized leadership nationwide in the certification of professional planners, ethics, professional development, planning education, and the standards of planning practice.

AICP Certification
Many employers favor applicants with AICP Certification. To become a Certified Planner, one must meet certain education and experience requirements and pass a written exam. The AICP Exam is given only once a year. Are you interested in taking the AICP exam? Looking for information on the application process and study aids? You have a couple of great sources at hand.
First, check out the American Planning Association website - - where you can find the registration requirements and dates of upcoming AICP exams. Click on AICP for certification requirements. The site Planetizan has useful information concerning AICP examine preparation.
Second, you can contact the OKAPA Professional Development Officer, for information related to Oklahoma test dates or any planned review sessions.
Fellows of AICP are honored in recognition of the achievements of the planner as an individual, elevating the Fellow before the public and the profession as a model planner who has made significant contributions to planning and society. Fellowship is granted to planners who have been members of AICP and have achieved excellence in professional practice, teaching and mentoring, research, public and community service, and leadership. Those chosen become members of the College of Fellows.
The College of Fellows is concerned with mentoring and future advancement of the profession of planning. As outstanding professionals in the field of planning, Fellows of AICP will address student organizations, state APA conferences, and professional development programs.
To find out more about how to become a FAICP or for a list of Fellows of AICP got to:
Certification Maintenance
February 20, 2025
APA-OK Spring 2025 Mini-Conference